Related Ideas

There are a number of worthwhile concepts related to ideas of common good:

Pay It Forward

Suppose person 1 does person 2 a favor.  But instead of person 2 returning the favor to person 1, person 2 passes the favor on to a third person.  Person 3 in turn passes the favor on to person 4.  This is the essence of the Common Folk philosophy.  For the common goods you may glean from the website, pay it forward to the charity of your choice.  And in turn, that charity will pay it forward to their worthy recipients.

The Pay It Forward concept was popularized by a book (Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde) and movie adaptation.  The twist was that for each favor or good deed received, the recipient has to pass along not one, but three favors.  In this way the good passed along to society grows exponentially.

Effective Altruism

Effective altruism is a movement that tries to rationally maximize the benefits of charitable giving. Namely, effective altruism is about Doing Good Better, as explained in the book by Scottish philosopher William MacAskill.  If you have $100 to donate, is it better to buy flowers for a local park, or to buy mosquito nets and save a dozen lives in west Africa?  Effective altruism wrestles with questions of local versus global giving, and present versus future impacts.  Like any philosophy, effective altruism can seem to lose its way when taken to extremes.  However, in general it is a kind and thoughtful movement.  MacAskill is my favorite proponent.  See his websites on effective altruism and on choosing a career for maximum impact on the good of society, 80,000 Hours.

Wallace Global Fund

The Wallace Global Fund is the foundation stemming from the original common man, Henry A. Wallace.  According to its website: “Wallace Global Fund supports people-powered movements that advance democracy, protect human rights, and fight for a healthy planet.”

Common Folk Artist Collective

There is another presence on the web with the name “common folk,” which refers to an artist collective and gallery in North Adams, MA.  “Common Folk Artist Collective is a group of 40 creators – ranging from visual artists, musicians, performers, and administrators/organizers – who are cultivating an inclusive creative community in North Adams.”  This arts collective is not directly related to our “common folk” website here, but it sounds like a great group of folks who deserve support.  Consider giving to their cause.

Important Not Important

A podcast promoting “science for people who give a sh*t,” in order “to arm you with the science you need to make better decisions, be a smarter consumer, and shrink your carbon footprint.”

An Army of Normal Folks

A podcast promoting simple actions by normal (i.e., common) folks to make a difference in our big world.

Creative Commons

“Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that helps overcome legal obstacles to the sharing of knowledge and creativity to address the world’s most pressing challenges.”   “CC is an international nonprofit organization that empowers people to grow and sustain the thriving commons of shared knowledge and culture we need to address the world’s most pressing challenges and create a brighter future for all.”

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