Common Goods

This website and all of its offerings (the Common Goods), unless otherwise marked, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Note that many of the files below are as Microsoft (MS) Word or Excel files.  If you don’t have the Microsoft Office products (which are good but not free), I urge you to try the LibreOffice suite.  It also is quite good.  The only disadvantage is that the sorting routines I wrote in MS Visual Basic for Excel will not work in the LibreOffice Calc program.  But you can do your sorts manually there without much problem.

Planning Tools: Catch Your Dreams

Don’t just chase dreams — catch them.  Do you even know what they are?  The LifeMap spreadsheet tool helps you set goals (dreams) for what’s important to you, and it structures these dreams into prioritized lists.  The TaskPlan tool then helps distill these amorphous lists into a weekly page of daily tasks so that you can keep progressing on important goals every day.  The TaskPlan can be used as well to track more mundane project work via a simple Gantt-chart of tasks versus days of the year.  In addition, the TaskPlan can track the habits, good or bad, that you may be trying to achieve (or quit).  Plus the workbook allows you to chart the months of your life, to visualize the time you’ve had, and the time yet remaining (necessarily approximate). 

But first, we offer some common-folk rules for living.  They are remarkably few in number. 

Common Folk Rules for Living



Management Tools: Empower People

We offer a few ideas about corporate structure and a template for personnel reviews.  Instead of corporate power and wealth being concentrated at the top, corporations could be structured to be more democratic.  Everybody hates personnel reviews.  Why not turn them into a planning session that demonstrates value, celebrates accomplishments, and sets the trajectory for the next year? 

Common Folk Management Philosophy

(under construction)

Personnel Evaluation Template

(under construction)

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